Nothing but an opposite
I want it cold. You wanted it hot. I wake up late, and you wake up early. I love watching movies. You love sleeping in the middle of it.
We sometimes argue over the food because you want it spicy, I want it sweet. It's quite annoying in some days, but I always find our similarity— love.
I had a deep sleep last night that I woke up past 9:00 in the morning. My hand used to find your presence in our bed while eyes are still closed. But you’re not here beside me.
I went to the kitchen and saw you cooking for our breakfast. At night, we’ve decided to watch a movie together. I picked an action movie for you to not get bored of it and sleep. But you still sleep in the middle of the crime.
I turned down the volume and kissed your forehead. The next morning, you cooked my favourite sweet dish. I put spicy sauce on your plate because I know you still want it to be spicy.
I looked at you while you’re preparing my food. You looked at me while I put spicy on your plate. We smiled at each other and for sure realised something.
We’re nothing but an opposite. Yet, if I woke up late, you would already prepare our breakfast. If you get easily bored to a romantic movie, I would pick an action plot. If I don’t eat spicy, you would cook something sweet, and I’ll make sure to have your spices.
"I love you," you said.
"I love you," I said.
Nothing but similar even if some things are nothing but an opposite.
And at the end of the day, when stars shine bright while people sleeping tight. Our opposites can turn into similarities when our hearts unite.
Written by Seenicaetoh